When and How to File a Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit?

Medical procedures improve the overall quality of life instead of causing distress. Implants, medicines, surgery procedures are introduced to the medical field after thorough research and testing. That’s why most patients trust their doctor’s advice when they accept prescriptions or recommendations.

Negligence and mistakes can happen, which cause serious injuries. Unfortunately, this was the case with transvaginal mesh implants. Women all over the world experienced severe side effects and health problems because of this procedure. At TVM411, we encourage women who have experienced issues with the implant to contact a lawyer.

transvaginal mesh lawsuits

When should you contact a lawyer?

This case is subject to the Statute of Limitations so it’s important to contact a lawyer as soon as you can. Legal professionals provide a free evaluation and won’t charge legal fees unless you win a compensation. So you shouldn’t hesitate or delay visiting an expert in this field. We recommend calling us when your doctor identifies symptoms as a side effect of the vaginal mesh implant.

side effects TVM

Will you qualify?

Lawyers are well-versed in vaginal mesh cases and will let you know whether your situation qualifies. If you experience the symptoms mentioned below, you might qualify and can file a case against manufacturers.

  • Mesh erosion leading to organ perforation.
  • Excessive and consistent pain in the implant site.
  • Bacterial infections.
  • Urination problem.
  • Recurring prolapsed because of implant failure.
  • Recurring incontinence due to implant failure.
  • Excessive bleeding.

health attorneys

How can a lawyer help?

Professionals are well-trained and knowledgeable in this field. Our lawyers have the most current information, know recent verdicts or settlements, and can provide an accurate transvaginal lawsuit update. With over 50,000 cases still active, lawyers need to know about every change or judgment to ensure clients get the best advice. Here’s a brief glimpse of what a lawyer can do for you:

  • Evaluate – They will first evaluate your case thoroughly to understand the circumstances. This is done during the first consultation and our experts will let you know if you have a chance to win.
  • Collect evidence – Once they accept the case, lawyers will collect evidence, speak with medical professionals, and get third party opinions, before building their argument.
  • Negotiations or trail – Your attorney will then carry out negotiations with the defendant’s legal team or argue the case in court.

If you want more information on your case or need a mesh lawsuit update, don’t hesitate to contact us at TVM411. We have a qualified and experienced expert who will provide unbiased advice.

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